Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Daily Drill and a note on Time Management

A lot of our conversations seem to always find their way to time management and finding time.  I am a firm believer that there is more than enough time for the true priorities in life.  I also believe you can have ANYTHING you are willing to work for, but you cannot have EVERYTHING you are willing to work for at the same time.  In other words its a matter of focus and organization and lastly, discipline.

All that to say, I spend a lot of time frustrated and tweaking my systems for getting it done.  I recommend that you decide you are juggling and then determine if its something in your life that CANNOT be dropped that is a glass ball and if it can, that one is rubber.  The trick is to never sacrifice the glass balls and drop them...

I believe strongly that everyone can be successful because time is not usually the issue but time management is.  I would watch the training Saturday and use the following things to keep yourself disciplined and organized.

(mine are a few pages: a goal page, a priority page, then the daily drill.  Every day I start with a daily drill and map out the week, and make adjustments to today on my calendar.  I believe truly successful people keep a priority list of all todo's but schedule the glass balls and nothing interferes.

A clear vision of what you want and what you are ready to get away from.
A Calendar
A List of people
A Blue Print

That is ALL!  I have that and my phone and a spark and Im off.

Here is my current daily drill I start with every day and it keep me sane!  Love to hear your systems that work for YOU.