Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stephanie Miller

1.  I live in Dunwoody with my husband Josh, dog Baxter, and kitties Reverend Fishstick and Ms. Tilapia
2.  I know Mike and Anna because I used to work with them at Rev Fitness.  Started as a Zumba instructor and next thing I know I'm leading XTeam and doing all sorts of crazy things.  To say they gave me my "big break" might be an understatement.
3.  To create a level of financial fluff to alleviate stress at home!
4.  Pin....I'm not using a pin that much right now, most of my notes are taken on my phone or my iPad, but if I had a choice I always liked purple pens.  I'd like to get to silver but my main goal right now is just to be consistent and keep working the system. 
5.  I am a Personal Trainer and Assistant Manager at The Training Grounds at Bodyplex.  I also teach Zumba and Yoga as well. 
6.   I love shooting...and yes guns.  I dare you to break into my house.  Between my husband and I, I am pretty sure we have 4 guns in our bed room alone.
7.  Pirates of the Carribean...I know it has no words but I am pretty sure I can sing the whole theme song.
8.  Bazinga!  -Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

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