Thursday, August 28, 2014

2 Steps to Get Your Team Moving

If you have not been frustrated with how to help your team get into action, you have not been direct sales very long!  Its normal.

The great news is...We attract who we ARE. We need to remember that our ultimate goal is to find and recruit champions and put together a championship team. And a championship team has lots of different characteristics.  Everyone on your team is super valuable. There are going to be a few (read again, FEW) that are high-level producers but there are going to be many who want to be high-level producers. The first thing that needs to happen to have any high-level producers is to become one. We attract who we are. So anytime we get frustrated with the actions of our team, we know we cannot go in and have it somebody else's body and make them do anything but what can we control? Can't control what we do and that asked to help as many people as we can find get started on products and be an excellent coach and get them results. More we do that, the more our team does that. And the more likely we are to attract champion producers who will duplicate that.  The most important thing we do is focus on ourselves.

So step 1 is to picture the team member we would love to have.

"You can’t get what you want if you don’t know what it is in the first place. Start thinking about the exact person you want to attract into your business or your life. Remember, you're the only one setting the rules here, so the sky’s the limit. Be specific on everything from their secret passions to their inner fears. When you know what you’re looking for, you’re a lot more likely to find it."

Today I am sending out a thank you gift to one of my regular wholesale customers.  I want to take every opportunity to make doing business with me a pleasure.

Step 2 - Become that team member. You will start to attract and duplicate a high-level producer!!

It turns out there is a lot you can do and it all depends on you and you don't have to give that power to other people and be frustrated. Isn't that awesome?

"The most common barrier to attracting people into your business or life is trying to please everyone. If you’re keeping everyone happy, then you’re not being special to anyone. When you are authentically yourself, some people are inevitably going to be repelled. And that’s a good thing. Once you start sending away the wrong fits, you’re making room for the right ones to come in."

The biggest pitfall in this business is to continually focus on your current team trying to get blood from a stone. Respect them and love them for who they are and where they are at all times. Focus on being the model team member and constantly talking to new business builders every week so that you are becoming the team member you most wish to recruit!!

Just close your eyes and imagine what would happen to your business if you put this into action today.

Source: "how to attract the right people into your life" by Ian Iamele

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