Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PP Oct 8th - A few lessons on the road to 6*

Hopefully you got the email with the shout outs !!  What a team !!  I could not get it to paste here this time so I thought this would be a nice place to leave a message for our team since we have reached a nice little milestone together.

I can tell you these are just my thoughts...this has been a group effort so all of you and Mike and Ellen Rose have earned this as well.  My personal 2 cents is as follows.

The ONLY thing that pin represents is that I've been here a while. But know this. I believe each of you is stronger, smarter, harder working and has better ideas than I do.  There is nothing about this you do not know or cannot do.  I am as full of weaknesses as anything, so there is nothing special needed.  What I've learned is this:

  1. I am a failure. I have failed my way here.  I have been great and I have been really crappy (sometimes for a long time and sometimes in the same day) and the only thing that matters is that 1) I learn and 2) keep going.  It is NOT enough to learn and just think and prepare and figure things out.  You've got to get out there and FAIL again.  Which is particularly hard as you start to get recognized because people (mistakenly) can assume you know more than they do so expectations can be daunting.  
  2. There is no need to wait until you have it figured out or worse, act like you do in order to lead.  Its one big team effort and the ability to fail forward is almost as important as the number one rule...STAY IN ACTION. 
  3. I have learned that action equals 1 thing - PGV.  So PGV is the number 1 rule of this game. And that brings me to my next point. 
  4. My heartfelt admiration goes out to those of you who are in that $2k-$3K club over and over.  That is the REAL MEAT of this business.  You are the heartbeat of this company.  You will succeed no matter what.  Im in awe of you guys!  And for all the PGV people that came in $1000 or above, that does NOT happen by accident and it shows a hard work ethic, courage, consistency and desire.  
So if I have anything at all to offer is to know we are exactly alike, except you are more talented and much more capable than I am.  I am just willing to fail and keep trying.  Believe in yourself and know that failure, mistakes, and in my case downright goofiness is NECESSARY and REQUIERD, it means NOTHING.

I believe in you.
You can do this.

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