Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Single Biggest Cause of Financial Loss

Paraphrased from "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived" ~ Steven Scott

Based on the book of Proverbs for how to build a successful business.

Greed is not what you want, its how badly you want it.  Greed causes us to have a "whatever it takes" mentality.

1) Can steal your life away...emptiness as well as suicide.
2) Steals your financial security.  SOliman said "for those focused on getting rich, riches will sprout wings and fly off like an eagle"
3) Affects your loved ones because you focus on greed instead of them.
4) Bankrupts you spiritually - acquiring the object of your desire will leave you empty.
5) Focusing on lack (the nature of greed) steals gratitude and lack.
6) Will cause you to lie cheat and steal, like an addiction.

Detecting Greed:
1) You go to great lengths for something regardless of yoour best interests or the best interests of others.

2) Early warning signs:
More More More
Impatience, hurry hurry hurry
Compromising Values
Brings more turbulence or drama


  1. Focus on achievement rather than money. 
  2. Be diligent and you will profit.
  3. Diligence and excellence in your labor will surely bring about success.
  4. Wealth the right way brings sorrow to no one. If you lose your spouse, children, values, ethics, you were GREEDY in your pursuits.
  5. Focus on generously meeting the needs of others instead of riches.

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